- 另一个问题是报酬不够高。
- Another issue is the lack of remuneration .
- 最重要的是,工资只是高管薪酬中的一个部分。
- Above all , salary is only one part of any executive 's remuneration .
- 关于金融报酬的争论将促使许多专业人士寻求其它形式的就业。
- Controversies about financial remuneration will cause many professionals to seek other types of employment .
- 圣保罗-马鲁夫,他曾经因偷窃在美国受审,而此案与他在担任圣保罗市长和州长期间收受回扣有关,现在他是一名国会议员。
- Paulo maluf , who has been charged in the united states with theft related to a kickback scheme during his terms as governor and mayor of s o paulo , is now a congressman .
- 例如,你的账本不是“公共的”,不应必须为其他人所看到;但是隐私的概念不能包括一个政客收取非法回扣。
- For example , your finances are not " public " in the sense that anyone ought to be able to see them ; but that notion of privacy doesn 't extend to a politician taking a kickback .
- 官员从中收取回扣。
- The bureaucrats collected a kickback .