- 瑞士信贷集团的分析师gabrielchan说道,史无前例的信贷速度特别有利于重建在信贷危机中受到打击的获利丰厚的赌场中介业务。
- The unprecedented velocity of credit creation will be especially useful in rebuilding the revenue-rich junket operations that suffered during the credit crisis , gabriel chan , an analyst at credit suisse , said .
- 分析师们表示,对博彩中介公司流动性与营运资本的规定“非常模糊”。
- The provision of liquidity and working capital for junket operators is " very opaque " , analysts say .
- 中介巨头的出现引发了赌场运营商的这种担心,后者已经敦促澳门政府对赌场中介能够赚取的佣金规模设定限制。
- The emergence of mega-junkets is causing such concern for casino operators that they have urged the macau government to set a limit on the size of commissions that junket operators can earn .
- tyr,请护送我们尊贵的客人去飞机修理库4号甲板。
- Tyr , escort our honored guest to hangar deck4 , please .
- tyr,我让你觉得我是某种幻想家吗?
- Tyr , do I strike you as some sort of starry-eyed dreamer ?
- 他的最后几天支出在酪氨酸,尽管他的理由是退休那儿不明。
- His last days were spent at tyr , though his reason for retiring thither is unknown .