- 赛斯曼先生问道,平静地喝着他的葡萄酒。
- Asked herr sesemann as he went on calmly drinking his wine .
- 尽管红酒里的白藜芦醇含量没有达到足够影响寿命的剂量,但适量地喝酒可以降低心脏病和其他血管病的风险。
- Though it is unlikely that the dosage of resveratrol in red wine is high enough to impact lifespan , drinking alcohol in moderation is also associated with decreased risk of heart disease and other vascular problems .
- 在法国这个红酒国度,他们真正想喝的却是啤酒,新鲜平和的那种,而不是欧洲大陆那种口感强劲、泡沫丰富的窖藏啤酒。
- And it was beer they were after , in this wine-drinking country ; warm and flat , not the strong , gassy lager served on the continent .