- 用来堆叠书本的平台。参阅托板,台板。
- Skid a platform for stacking books . See pallet , stillage .
- 柿子酒渣与牛粪混合发酵有机肥对菠菜产量和品质的影响。
- Effect of persimmon wine stillage and cattle manure ferment organic fertilizer on spinach yield and quality .
- 以暗发酵配合微生物辅助电解法评估经不同酸前处理甘薯酒渣的产氢潜能。
- Assessing hydrogen production potential of acid-pretreated sweet potato stillage with fermentation and microbially assisted electrolysis .
- 甘蔗酒精废液对土壤理化性状及氧化还原酶的影响。
- Effect of sugarcane vinasse on soil physicochemical properties and oxidoreductase enzymes .
- 风味醉鱼生产过程中腌制条件的优化研究。
- Optimization of curing condition in production of flavor vinasse fish .
- 糖蜜酒精废液对甘蔗光合及氮素代谢中关键酶和产量的影响。
- Effect of vinasse on the photosynthetic and nitrogen metabolism physiological characteristics and cane yield of sugarcane .
- 李认为该比率在下个十年中将跌至5左右,这意味着能源所占gdp的比重将翻四番。
- Mr lees thinks the ratio might fall to five over the next decade , implying that energy 's share of gdp could quadruple .
- 采用田间小区试验研究用3种菌剂发酵而成的酒糟型生物有机肥对莴笋产量和品质的影响。
- Plot trials were carried out to study effects of three kinds of wine lees bio-organic manure on yield and quality of lettuce .
- 李家一直是性变态者。
- The lees have always been perverts .