- 然后,周末,他在后院撞见罗比和拿着一瓶威士忌的女孩。
- Then , over the weekend , he 'd caught robbie and the girl with a flask of whiskey in the backyard .
- 第帕顿说,玻璃瓶的设计灵感来自一个十六世纪的金属瓶子,1850年,一名葡萄种植者在干邑也就是为这种酒提供名字的那个法国小镇附近的一个古战场上找到了它。
- It is based on the design of a 16th-century metal flask , says mr. depardon , discovered by a vine grower in 1850 in a battlefield near cognac , the french town from which the spirit draws its name .
- 为了验证他们的方法,他们将基因加入了细菌,并且在烧瓶中的培育基产生了足够阅读书本的亮光。
- To demonstrate their approach they added the genes to a bacterium , and found that a flask of the bacterial culture produced enough light to read a book by .
- 一种方法是把葡萄酒倒入盛酒器中,把底部的沉淀物留下,或者是直接用葡萄酒篮上酒,这样酒瓶仍然保持倾斜状态。
- Either pour the wine into a decanter leaving the deposit behind , or serve it from a wine basket where it will remain in a prone position .
- 《华尔街日报》:给威士忌换瓶会不会影响到它的口味?
- Wsj : will keeping scotch in a decanter impact the taste ?
- 我们带着午餐剩下的四分之一瓶红酒。
- We have carried up a quarter decanter of red wine left over from lunch .