- 新华社称法律界定的“低俗”并不明确,因为低俗本身的定义就很模糊。
- Xinhua said the law regarding " vulgar " materials was not as clear because the definition of vulgarity was vague .
- 他甚至还在电视上为他粗俗的大笑和平庸的品味道歉。
- He has even gone on television to apologise for his vulgar language and poor taste .
- 皮埃尔的写作层次多样,以粗俗居多,且行文艰涩。
- Mr pierre 's writing is many-layered , often vulgar and rarely lucid .
- 这是个有点类似“乡巴佬”的问题,因为在乡下当有人问路的时候,就回答:“我不会从这里开始”。
- This is a bit of a " yokel " problem , as in the rustic who when asked for directions , replies " I wouldn 't start from here " .
- 屋子大面积铺就橡木地板,透着宁静和清雅,古式家具的装缀更多了一丝质朴传统的风韵。
- Large planks of oak wood flooring give a rustic feel to the calming and serene interiors , while accent pieces of antique furniture provide for an old-fashioned and traditional feel .
- 但声音沙哑、有着质朴地方口音的前工程师谭旭光说,山东重工不只寄望于通过收购贱卖资产来布局全球,还打算跟国际上的同行展开合作与竞争。
- But mr. tan , a former engineer with a gravelly voice and a rustic regional accent , said shandong heavy wasn 't just looking for a fire sale to make its global footprint ; it intends to cooperate and compete with global peers .
- 买一部辐射吸收标准低的手机吧。
- Look for a cell phone with a low sar .
- 欧元兑美元跌至一个月以来的低点。
- The euro fell to a one-month low against the dollar .
- 低廉的生活成本吸引了退休人员和南下越冬者。
- Low cost of living has attracted retirees and snow birds .
- 印度需要庞大的制造业基础。
- India needs a big manufacturing base .
- 我们的基地被袭击了!
- Our base is under attack !
- 另一个问题则是投资者基础。
- Another problem is the investor base .
- 一位阿曼商人不无鄙视地对我说。
- An omani businessman told me with disdain .
- 传统的保守主义鄙视民粹主义,尊重知识。
- Traditional conservatives disdain populism and respect knowledge .
- 他对金融城作风的蔑视也延伸到其商业生活的许多其它方面。
- His disdain for city types extends to many other aspects of business life .
- 在上一段中,我提到在南部英语中hw和w进行了合并。
- Above I said that in southern english hw and w merged .
- 从1998年开始的观察就表明,w非常接近-1。
- Observations made since 1998 suggest that w is pretty close to - 1 .
- 这是1983年欧洲原子核研究组织发现的w和z玻色子情况。
- This was the case with the w and z bosons , particles discovered at cern in 1983 .