- 提供有竞争力的薪酬只是一部分。
- Offering competitive compensation is only part of it .
- 欧元在这其中扮演了重要角色。
- The euro has played a significant part in this .
- 评论家声称部分的问题是来源于技术本身。
- Critics say part of the problem may be the technology itself .
- 第二节塔身被吊了起来。
- The second tower section is lifted .
- 这部分就相当于一把双刃剑。
- That section is rather double-edged .
- 注:精通日语的读者可以忽略这节。
- Note : proficient japanese speakers may skip this section .
- 没错,就是给了我们生命中第一份真爱的母亲写下了这恋爱地图的浓重一笔。
- Yes , our mothers -- the first real love of our lives -- write a significant portion of our love map .
- 事实上,这部分最近已经被取消。
- In fact , that portion was recently removed .
- 威廉森先生这些开支中的一小部分表示反对。
- Mr. williamson objected to a small portion of the expenses .