- 阿诺德做办公椅的部件。
- Arnold made parts for office chairs .
- 预算中的大部分都花在购买新装备和配件上面。
- Much is going on new hardware and spare parts .
- 汽车零件仍是美国出口的关键领域。
- Auto parts have remained a key u.s. export .
- 增加公共基础设施建设的开支,这是总统巴拉克奥巴马项目的核心部分。
- Increase spending on public infrastructure , a central component of president barack obama 's programme .
- 主要部分有一个掌上投影仪,一个数码相机,和一个红外摄像机。
- The main component has a handheld projector , a digital camera , and an infrared camera .
- 努力很重要,甚至是效率的一个组成部分。
- Effort is important . It is even a component of effectiveness .
- 单元42:请叫救护车。
- Unit 42 please call an ambulance .
- 单元24:洗手间在哪儿?
- Unit 24 where is the restroom ?
- 该单位尚未公开所记录的2010气候相关数据。
- That unit has yet to report its figures for 2010 .
- 最终的装配是在第一层。
- Final assembly is on the first floor .
- 即将卸任的议会不经审议就批准了影响深远的措施。
- The outgoing assembly also rubber-stamped other far-reaching measures .
- 伦敦议会本周的一份报告却无情指出了消极的一面。
- A report this week from the london assembly takes a sterner line .