- 这是必要的鼎盛提到郑州新材料科技有限公司是一家专业从事陶瓷阀门、管件。
- It is necessary to mention that zhengzhou dingsheng new material technology co. ltd. is specialized in ceramic valves and pipes .
- 郑州官员很喜欢把郑东新区同浦东比较,而浦东新区曾带领上海停滞了几十年的经济实现了腾飞。
- Zhengzhou officials like to compare the project to pudong , which helped restore shanghai to glittering greatness after decades of stagnation .
- 另一条长达505公里的新高铁线路连接着西安和另一个飞速发展的中部枢纽城市郑州。
- Another new service travels the 505km between xian and zhengzhou , another booming central china hub .