- 相对于令人担忧的环境和步履蹒跚的经济,这样的提法也许过于乐观,但是值得庆幸的是我们有这些年度十杰才隽,他们是最有希望的科学精英。
- It may sound optimistic in light of our wheezing environment and limping economy , but then you haven 't met the brilliant 10 , popsci 's annual selection of the nation 's most promising young researchers .
- 我们有专门纪念他的联邦假日,我们有他演讲和手写作品的典籍,我们有他强大的精神盘旋在我们国家的上空,如同一道连续的光线。
- We have a federal holiday dedicated to him , we have the moral authority of his spoken and written words , and we have his mighty spirit hovering over our nation like an uninterrupted sheet of light .