- 上半规管裂综合征(scds)是由覆盖内耳的某部分骨头上出现漏洞而引起。
- Yet superior canal dehiscence syndrome ( scds ) is a very real affliction caused by a small hole in the bone covering part of the inner ear .
- 这样膜管便会暴露在大脑的颞叶的覆硬脑膜中。
- Without this bone , the membranous canal is exposed to the overlying dura mater membrane of the brain 's temporal lobe .
- 我们治疗这项并征得方法是使用机械破坏声道平衡,用筋膜(肌肉的表层)和病患身上取出的小碎骨堵塞声道。
- The way we have treated this disorder is to mechanically inactivate the balance canal , to plug it with fascia ( the covering of muscle ) and tiny chips of bone taken from the patient .