- 当他按下他连襟在帕拉丁路的门铃时,那道皱纹加深了,以至于把他的眉毛也往下给拽了一点儿;他觉得他的肚子一阵抽搐。
- As he rang his brother-in-law 's bell in the rue palatine , the wrinkle deepened till it pulled down his brows ; he felt a cramping sensation in his belly .
- 一种猜测是年轻的金正恩可能会有一名摄政王,这意味着真正的权利会由65岁的张嵩泽(金正日的小舅子和心腹)支配。
- Some speculate that the younger mr. kim might serve in a kind of regency in which the real power would be wielded by military officials like jang song-taek kim jong-il 's brother-in-law and confidant who is 65 .
- 我的大舅哥和岳父首先吃到了带有硬币的饺子,随后的几个小时,我们在炕上喝酒、吃饺子,同时观看春节晚会。
- My brother-in-law and father-in-law bit into the dumplings with the two coins early in the proceedings , but we spent the next hour or so drinking and eating dumplings on the kang , watching the cctv gala .