- 凯里的27页报告点出了许多注意事项:西温登是导弹专家而不是核专家,而他部分所说的只是传言;部分图样很粗糙;照片上看到的部分设施也有可能用于民间的紧急使用。
- His 27-page report has plenty of caveats : sai thein win is a missile expert , not a nuclear boffin , and some of what he reports is hearsay ; some drawings are crude at best ; some equipment seen in pictures could at a pinch have civilian uses too .
- 现在来更深的挖掘一下这些小道消息和传闻。
- Let 's dive a little deeper into all this rumor and hearsay .
- 马可波罗可能到过巴格达,但是更有可能的是他只是在伊拉克其它地方从旅行者那里听说巴格达,他经常讲传闻听到的东西。
- Marco may have visited baghdad , but more likely he merely heard about it and other parts of iraq from travelers ; he often reported hearsay .
- 他把这个消息当做谣言而不予考虑。
- He dismissed the story as a rumour .
- 有传言称这是因为他要取代潘帕德里欧的位子。
- Rumour has it that he is positioning himself to take over from mr papandreou .
- 自去年夏季贝尔斯登出现问题后,上述传言便经常在市场上出现。
- The rumour has circulated regularly since bear ran into trouble last summer .
- 对待衍生产品的评价趋势介于流言和网络游戏之间是阴险的。
- The trend toward treating derivatives as a cross between gossip and videogames is insidious .
- 情报、传闻、流言和嚼舌头是很多群体的血液。
- Intelligence , rumour , gossip and tittle-tattle is the lifeblood of many groups .
- 你热衷流言蜚语的话,人们就不会相信你。
- If you gossip , people won 't confide in you .