- 巴赫是赋格曲,众赞歌前奏曲和组曲的大师。他最着名的作品之一是。
- Bach was the master of the fugue , the chorale-prelude and suites . One of his most famous works is the well-tempered clavier .
- 法国印象派画家高更晚年迁往大溪地生活,并在此创作了许多著名作品。
- Paul gauguin , the french impressionist painter lived in tahiti in his later years , and created lots of famous works here .
- 专家们希望能通过这次发掘找到有力证据,证明莎士比亚的许多最著名的作品是在这一居所创作的说法。
- Experts hope to unearth evidence to support theories that shakespeare wrote many of his most famous works at the property .