- 澳大利亚航空公司skylifter提出一种运输重型装备到铁路、公路和飞机无法到达的偏远山区的更好解决方案飞碟。
- Australian aeronautical firm skylifter has come up with a better way to transport heavy equipment to remote areas that are beyond the reach of railways , roads and runways a flying saucer .
- 这通常意味着在没有雷达覆盖的边远地区飞行。
- This often means flying in remote areas with no radar coverage .
- 这在一定程度上是正确的虽然相对比较少患者住在服务难以顾及的偏远地区,且苏格兰nhs的人均支出比英格兰贫困的东北部要高。
- That is partly true-though relatively few patients live in remote areas where services are hardest to deliver , and nhs spending per person is higher in scotland than in england 's deprived north-east .