- 当一些人想逃跑的时候,他们被逮捕了。
- When the men tried to escape , they were detained .
- 除非边境关闭,否则士兵想要逃跑是很困难的。
- It is hard for soldiers to escape unless the borders are close .
- 冯建梅试图逃跑,但被捉住并被带到了医院。
- Ms. feng tried to escape but was caught and taken to the hospital .
- 他们没有钱去适应灾难或者逃离。
- They have no money to adapt or flee .
- 警察包围了他们,两个男孩无处可逃。
- Before the boys can flee , the police close in on them .
- 21年的牢狱生活之后,德索萨终于设法逃到了佛罗里达。
- After 21 years of imprisonment , de sosa finally managed to flee to florida .
- 鸟是怎么飞起来的?
- How does a bird fly ?
- 他们在低于降落伞的高度上飞行。
- They fly below parachute height .
- 有些人飞回家重新申请。
- Some fly home to reapply .
- 当betfair的二人组尝试筹集资金时,他们已经意识到他们在资本市场上失手了,资本的大门已经对他们客气的关上了。
- When the betfair duo tried to raise money they realised they had been beaten to the capital markets and were politely shown the door .
- 布雷顿森林二重唱则更容易改变:唯一需要的就是西方的意愿。
- The bretton woods duo are easier to change : all that is needed is western will .
- 来自弗洛里达州的二重唱deadprez有时会向观众投掷苹果鼓励健康饮食。
- Dead prez , a duo from florida , sometimes toss apples into the audience to encourage healthy eating .