- 但是,要想探讨生物优势的断言,挑战纯种的观点,仅凭轶闻或本能都不够。
- But to explore claims of biological advantages and challenge ideas of purity , neither anecdote nor instinct is enough .
- 第二件轶事是伯克对这出戏剧本身的反应,他每晚都来给演出捧场。
- The second anecdote concerns burke 's reaction to the opera itself which he attended every night of its run .
- 事实上,他不得不依靠传言、轶闻、靠不住的官方报道、猜测和推断等。
- As it is , he has had to rely on gossip , anecdote , dubious official reports , speculation and extrapolation .