- 吉普车在黑暗中颠簸着行驶,突然在一个卖泡面、茶水和夹心饼干的小摊边停了下来。
- The jeep rattles up through the dark and stops with a bump next to a stall selling instant noodles , tea and bourbon biscuits .
- 蟋蟀的唧唧声和夜雨的淅沥声,于日暮中向我袭来,好似我那早已逝去的少年时代,沙沙地来到我的梦中。
- The cricket 's chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark , like the rustle of dreams from my past youth .
- 蟋蟀的啁啾,雨夜的淅沥,穿越黑夜传至我的耳边,仿佛我逝去的青春蓦地来到我的梦中。
- The cricker ` s chirp and the patter of rain come to me through the dark , like the rustle of dream form my past youth .