- 有很多论点反驳了这种理论。
- Several arguments counter that theory .
- 其他人反驳说,成本并非一切。
- Others counter that costs are not everything .
- 对柜台人员说好话就行。
- Just be sweet to the counter attendants .
- 交谈也有方便的rss内容提取器,它在信箱的feeds栏目里,他可以允许你订阅相关的rss订阅源到你的系统,然后再选择把哪些你喜欢的内容分享到你的社交类媒体频道里。
- Converse also has a handy rss content grabber , in the message box feeds section , that allows you to feed in relevant rss feeds into the system and then pick and choose which content you would like to share within your social media channels .
- 任何你可以通过电子邮件更新的服务,都可以通过谈话来更新。
- Any service that you can update via email , you can update with converse .
- 礼貌是一种社交艺术,它使与我们交谈的人能够平心静气,安然处之。
- Good manners is the art of making those people easy with whom we converse .
- 有些动作出现在不同的语系里便有完全相反的意义。
- Sometimes gestures used in different languages have contrary meanings .
- 于此相反的猜测现在是更加强烈了。
- Speculation to the contrary will now intensify .
- 相反,德国是一个非常巨大的贸易国。
- To the contrary , germany is a huge trading nation .
- 也不要和你觉得对的事情相违背。
- You must never go against what you feel to be correct .
- 相反的或反对一方当事人的。
- Contrary or which go against one party .
- 那要违反交通规则的。
- That 'll go against the traffic regulations .
- 那本书我看过很多次,只要能够劝说海蒂违反规定我就看。
- I 'd looked through that book many times , whenever I could persuade hattie to disobey .
- 我们并非建议大家违反现行的航空安全规定,而是强烈认为,faa对于电子设备的禁令应该基于证据而非恐惧。
- We are not suggesting that people should disobey the current rules . But we believe strongly that policies like the faa 's ban should be based on evidence rather than on fear .
- 当他们穿过一片草地时,天使说,“并不是我不同意你说的”,“只是我不允许自己违反,你是知道的。”
- " It 's not that I disagree with you , " said the angel , as they plodded across the grass . " It 's just that I 'm not allowed to disobey . You know that . "
- 在富裕的沿海省份和落后的内陆之间也有同样的严重的差距。
- A similarly sharp divergence has occurred between the wealthy coastal provinces and the backward interior .
- 我能感觉到你向后摔倒,你的手挥舞着保护我。
- I could feel you fall backward , and your hands flying up to protect me .
- 尽量不要让头部向前、向后或向两侧倾斜,同时膝盖不要用力,保持放松状态。
- Try not to tilt your head forward backward or sideways and make sure your knees are relaxed - not locked .
- 接下来研究人员将研究南面天空的星系-理论上那里顺时针旋转的星系应该占大多数。
- In their continued work scientists will study the southern hemisphere - in theory , there galaxies rotating clockwise should be dominating .
- 设想把爱尔兰顺时针旋转90度,放大三分之一,就好像挂在北极圈上的一块坠子。
- Think of ireland . Rotate it 90 degrees clockwise , make it a third bigger and hang it like a pendant from the arctic circle .
- 这是由于被称为南极绕极环流的顺时针环流造成的。
- That 's because of a clockwise current of water called the antarctic circumpolar current .