- 或许,他们说,可能会出现生产模式的转变,那就是从日本打头阵的以减少库存和开支为主的“及时模式”向更注重缓冲风险的“万一模式”转变。
- Perhaps , they say , there will be a shift from focusing on reducing inventories and costs , the just-in-time model , pioneered in japan , to one that places greater emphasis on buffering risk - a just-in-case mentality .
- 激光切割机制造商通快(trumpf)采用“准时制”(just-in-time)生产原则,避免未使用的零件和未售出的成品库存积压。
- Trumpf , a maker of laser cutting machines , also uses just-in-time manufacturing principles to avoid building up inventories of unused parts and unsold finished products .
- 若新的法律在上议院实施,它将会在秋季延伸到下议院及时的包含了从法官李维生的调查公之于众下出现的任何法律的改变。
- If the new law starts in the house of lords it would reach the commons in the autumn-just in time to include any legal changes arising from lord justice leveson 's inquiry into the press .