- 解雇反倒是鼓励他去追逐自己的其他梦想。
- Getting fired encouraged him to pursue his other dreams .
- 我还能继续追寻我的兴趣爱好吗?
- Will I still be able to pursue my interests ?
- 为此,美联储将继续推行两项互补策略。
- Here the fed will continue to pursue two complementary strategies .
- 希腊是否应该从自身利益出发、积极谋求退出呢?
- Should greece actively seek an exit , in its own interests ?
- 他在周一宣布不会谋求在2012年获得连任。
- He announced monday he wouldn 't seek re-election in 2012 .
- 至于中产阶级,法西斯主义不谋求对他们的没收。
- As for the bourgeoisie , fascism doesn 't seek their expropriation .
- 再也不用去追逐什么了。
- There is nothing to chase after .
- 幸福并不是你追逐或只有在遥远的未来才拥有的东西。
- Happiness isn 't something you chase or become in a distant future .
- 或者严肃地把你的老板拉到一边,告诉他不要追求年轻漂亮的女性?
- Or solemnly taking your boss aside and telling him not to chase beautiful young women ?
- 正如一个家庭无法将每位成员想要的每件事物都给予他们一样,一个社会也无法将人们向往的最高标准的生活给予每个人。
- Just as a household cannot give every member everything he or she wants , a society cannot give every individual the highest standard of living to which he or she might aspire .
- 但这实在不是英国其他人群可以(或应该)追求的目标。
- But this is hardly the goal to which the rest of the nation can or should aspire .
- 毕竟,拥有相当智力女士向往舞台生涯是很正常的。
- It is , after all , not unnatural for a woman of considerable intelligence to aspire to the stage .