- 迷走神经有时又被称作“游荡者”,因为它从全身到一些内脏器官,甚至心脏都有它的分支。
- The vagus sometimes is called " the wanderer " because it has branches that wander throughout the body to several internal organs , including the heart .
- 克莱恩说,“细菌通过迷走神经影响大脑的细节仍有待解释,那正是我们下一步的工作目标。”
- The details of how the bacteria influence the brain through the vagus nerve still need to be elucidated , cryan says . " That 's what we have to figure out next . "
- 迷走神经从子宫、子宫颈和阴道发出
- Vagus nerve - transmits from the cervix , uterus and vagina