- 2010奥古斯马奇幻旅程台南站,出神迷幻电子派对。
- Acousma 2010 psychedelic trance party in tainan .
- 20世纪60年代是一个让人产生迷幻的年代,这个时代因它的音乐,它的艺术,当然还有它的毒品而被人记得。
- The psychedelic era of the 1960s is remembered for its music , its art and , of course , its drugs .
- 我在一个名为heliocentrics的乐队中演奏大提琴我们感兴趣的是一种自由发挥的迷幻爵士乐,这意味着我在大部分时间都是即兴发挥。
- I play cello with a band called the heliocentrics - we 're into a kind of free-groove , psychedelic jazz , which means that I 'm improvising most of the time .
- 正如他们需要一个漫长的过渡进入催眠状态,他们也要花点时间从催眠中苏醒。
- Just as they need a lengthy transition to go into trance , they take a bit of time to emerge from it .
- 北平原节的集体仪式上,一位巫毒教的祭司绕着一位神智恍惚的信徒打转
- A voodoo priest walks around a believer in a trance during a mass ritual at the plaine du nord festival
- 当他以某种规律击鼓吟唱时,一些听众会受其引导而出神。
- When he drums and chants in a certain sequence , some of his listeners are lulled into a trance .