- 华尔街分析师的独立性曾多次遭到质疑。
- The independence of wall street analysts has been repeatedly questioned .
- 我们反复做的事情造就了我们。
- We are what we repeatedly do .
- 辩护律师多次对他的陈述表示怀疑。
- Defense attorneys have repeatedly challenged his account .
- 阐述了分形理论中迭代函数系统(ifs)的基本原理。
- The basic principles of iterated function system of the fractal theory were expounded .
- 警察重述他的命令叫她走,她还是没走。
- The girl did not move through the policeman iterated his command that she go .
- 加权u-统计量的一个重对数律。
- A law of the iterated logarithm for weighting u-statistics .