- 在这两本书中,精英们用权力来压迫,而不是启蒙。
- In both books the elite uses power to oppress , not enlighten .
- 好几个世纪以来,建筑师渴望创造出的建筑可以启蒙和改造城市文明,应当看到他们的努力是孤立的辉煌,只有微乎其微的影响。
- For centuries , architects have aspired to create buildings that enlighten or transform civilization , only to see them remain isolated splendors , with little impact on society at large .
- 由于大多数重要媒体都属于富豪或特权群体,指望真正去启蒙大众把他们从“白日梦”中解放出来,几乎是不可能的。
- And since most of the important media are either owned or controlled by wealthy and otherwise privileged groups , it is next to impossible to really enlighten the masses -- to liberate them from their " false consciousness . "
- 历史则是一个很好的参考指导。
- History was a pretty good guide .
- 经济学人为此做出一些指引。
- Economics offers little guide to that .
- 引导我进行某一项任务。
- Guide me through a process .
- 曾注意到你不吃东西的时候,你不能思考或者喜怒无常吗?
- Ever notice how you can 't think or you become a moody mess when you don 't eat ?
- 科学研究表明,爱笑的男人不容易找到女友,因为在女人眼中,喜怒无常的男人更具有吸引力。
- Happy men don 't get the girl because women find moody looking men far more attractive , according to scientific research .
- 这些天,斯托克斯先生有时会闷闷不乐,如果孩子们太吵闹,他们晚上或许就没有面包和茶了。
- Mr stokes was sometimes moody during those days , and when the boys were too boisterous for him it sometimes happened that they didn 't get their bread and tea in the evening .
- 曾注意到你不吃东西的时候,你不能思考或者喜怒无常吗?
- Ever notice how you can 't think or you become a moody mess when you don 't eat ?
- 科学研究表明,爱笑的男人不容易找到女友,因为在女人眼中,喜怒无常的男人更具有吸引力。
- Happy men don 't get the girl because women find moody looking men far more attractive , according to scientific research .
- 这些天,斯托克斯先生有时会闷闷不乐,如果孩子们太吵闹,他们晚上或许就没有面包和茶了。
- Mr stokes was sometimes moody during those days , and when the boys were too boisterous for him it sometimes happened that they didn 't get their bread and tea in the evening .