- 世贸组织预计,2008年的全球贸易增长将继续放慢。
- Wto predicts global trade growth will continue to slow this year .
- 然而7年前,她意识到自己晋升的速度开始放慢。
- But about seven years ago she felt her progress begin to slow .
- 你会比之前慢多少?
- How slow will you go ?
- 复苏仍然将是脆弱而缓慢的。
- The recovery will still be fragile and sluggish .
- 采取行动比坐在那目光呆滞或者行动迟缓就是好很多。
- It simply feels better to take action than sitting around navel-gazing and getting sluggish .
- 复苏仍旧迟缓,但是比较起其他经济体来说已经很不错了。
- The recovery remains sluggish , but compares well with those of other economies .
- 当然,在智能手机出现很久之前,人们就有迟到的现象,甚至是习惯性迟到的现象。
- Of course , people were tardy -- even chronically so -- long before smart phones .
- 对此英国广播公司的反应迟缓而无力,暴露了公司在处理危机时的能力,其官僚作风的弊端,并且使公众对其公司管理的活力产生质疑。
- A tardy and inept response has thrown an unflattering light on the corporation 's ability to handle a crisis , exposed flaws in its bureaucracy and cast doubt on the vigour of its corporate governance .
- 当然,并非所有的迟来道歉都是通过网络进行的。
- Not all tardy apologies come through the web , of course .