- 生育率还在不断降低。
- The fertility fall was continuous .
- 连续的设计和偶尔的爆炸声迅速把你带回现实和让你集中注意力。
- Continuous shooting and occasional explosions quickly bring you back to earth and make you focus .
- 海水的不断混合还起着其他的重要作用。
- The continuous mixing of seawater also serves other key purposes .
- 他们说他在床上连续写了好多年。
- They say he wrote in bed for years on end .
- 他们连续争论了两个小时。
- They argued for two hours on end .
- 连续好几天穿着同一件沾满汗水的军服对她是一种折磨。
- Wearing the same sweat-soaked khakis for days on end was torture .
- 微积分是数学史上的一次重大突破,因为她使连续变量可以被处理。
- Calculus was a mathematical breakthrough , because it dealt with continuously varying quantities .
- 根据吉尼斯纪录,游行的最短距离必须是3.2公里,所有的车要连续不断地跑。
- According the guinness world records guidelines , the minimum distance of the parade had to be 3.2 km ( 2 miles ) long and all vehicles had to be continuously moving .
- 奶牛在分娩后产奶大约10个月,因此不断的令其受孕来保持源源不断的产奶。
- Dairy cows produce milk for about 10 months after giving birth so they are impregnated continuously to keep up the milk flow .