- 这是阿肯色州一个时代的结束在连任六届后,奥瓦尔.福伯斯没有竞选连任。
- It was the end of an era in arkansas-after six terms , orval faubus wasn 't running for reelection as governor .
- 在各个选举中,要求改选的现任者的比例总是很高很稳定。
- The proportion of incumbents who seek reelection is high and remarkably constant from election to election .
- 报告内容包括本届董事会任期、董事会人员、无法按时换届改选的原因、换届改选计划及其他需要说明的事项。
- The report shall include the board tenure , the board members , reasons for failure of on-time reelection , reelection plan and explanations on other matters .