- 就在阳光明媚的滨海艺术中心位于凯恩斯与远望到珊瑚海弗洛里亚纳前室是一个传统的预算宾馆。
- Situated on the esplanade in sunny cairns with the front rooms looking out to the coral sea floriana is a traditional budget guesthouse .
- 有只小狗四处找寻午睡的地方,跑到牛厩里头,舒服地躺在稻草上。
- A dog looking out for its afternoon nap jumped into the manger of an ox and lay there cozily upon the straw .
- 每隔两个月,十几位银行家都会在周日的晚上于瑞士的巴塞尔碰头聚餐,地点位于一个可以俯瞰莱茵河的圆柱形建筑的第18层。
- Every two months , more than a dozen bankers meet here on sunday evenings to talk and dine on the 18th floor of a cylindrical building looking out on the rhine .