- 我可以让它再次产生影响吗?
- Can I make it work again ?
- 谷歌可以用上述回答来制作一支绝佳的电视广告。
- Those responses would make a terrific tv ad. for google .
- 综合效应使它成为了一个重磅药物。
- That together will make it a blockbuster .
- 你的言语和行为至关重要。
- How you conduct yourself is important .
- 它将监控英特尔未来的行为。
- It is to monitor future conduct .
- iarc的专家组没有进行新的研究。
- The iarc panel did not conduct new research .
- 所以这项工作要慢慢进行。
- So it is having to proceed slowly .
- 事实上,大部分的猜测都是直接从简单的生物学出发的。
- In fact , most of its assumptions proceed directly from simple biology .
- 然而与此同时,我们在种种新的监管方案之间应当谨慎前进。
- Yet at the same time , we should proceed cautiously on massive new regulations .
- 次年3月又是如此。
- And again the following march .
- 但当地村民似乎对游行活动表示淡定。
- Locals seemed relatively relaxed about the march .
- 三月份制造业订单有所下降。
- Manufacturing orders fell in march .