- 威尔士南部一港口城市,位于布里斯托尔海峡的一个小海湾。
- A port city in s wales on an inlet of the bristol channel .
- 三维侧压式高超声速进气道阻力特性分析。
- Analysis of drags trait in three-dimensional sidewall hypersonic inlet .
- 先进的涵道螺桨亚音速进气道分析。
- Analysis of an advanced ducted propeller subsonic inlet .
- 这个入口通往一个炸药库。
- This entrance leads into a bomb shelter .
- 这是natlismcemeli修道院的入口。
- Entrance to the monastery at natlismcemeli .
- 现在文法学校不是总能有足够的容量接受通过初中入学考试的学生。
- Nowadays it is not always enough for a child to pass the 11-plus entrance test .