- 许多从前的童兵仍在蒙罗维亚的街道上沿街兜售叫卖;85%的利比里亚人还没有正式工作。
- Many former child soldiers still hustle on the streets of monrovia ; 85 % of liberians still have no formal job .
- 有时上课手机没关机的,忽然一个德律风来,叮铃铃、叮铃铃,不只影响本身,还影响同窗听课,教师上课,本身还得吃教师们巴掌,迎教师们的唾沫,真实太不值得了。
- Sometimes class cellular phone have no shutdown , suddenly a telephone , tink bell , tink bell , affect not only oneself , still affect students listening to lectures , teacher have a class , oneself still have to eat teachers slap , meet teachers spittle , true too unworthy to get .
- 许多从前的童兵仍在蒙罗维亚的街道上沿街兜售叫卖;85%的利比里亚人还没有正式工作。
- Many former child soldiers still hustle on the streets of monrovia ; 85 % of liberians still have no formal job .