- 西方工业社会工作经历了一个产生、发展和繁荣的历程,如今正呈现出战略化、国际化、制度化、多元化和创新化的发展趋势。
- The western industrial social work has experienced a process of emerging , developing and flourishing , and now it takes on the new trends of strategizing , institutionalizing , pluralizing and innovating .
- 他们把我安置在将军和先知处,在用作作战室的隐蔽的帐篷里,但制订战略超出我的能力范围。
- They put me with the generals and seers , in the hidden tent that served as the war room , but strategizing was beyond me .
- 随后的整个秋天和初冬,我们穿梭往返于TasmanDrive大街的思科和位于玛蒂尔德大街的Opsware公司办公室,反复跟思科公司软件团队协商交易框架,及时告知我们的销售和产品研发团队谈判的进展,会同他们一起制定战略,以确保我们没有偏离既定目标。
- All through the fall and early winter , we shuttled back and forth between tasman drive and opsware 's office on mathilda avenue , alternately negotiating a deal structure with the cisco software team and updating and strategizing with our sales and product organizations to make sure we were staying true to our objectives .