- 希特勒不仅把一撮有型的胡子毁了,也把一个象征好运的经典十字符号(纳粹标记)给毁了。
- Not only did hitler forever ruin a perfectly good mustache , he also ruined one of the classic good-luck symbols -- the swastika .
- 马基雅维里除了颠覆性的批评了传统教条里要求优秀君主具备的主要准则之外,还创造性的把兴趣转到了“新”统治者身上,不是依赖传统的血缘关系上位,而是凭借能力,勇气,以及好运气获得权力。
- Machiavelli 's originality derives from his interest in the ' new ' rulers , upstarts without traditional bloodlines but with ability , courage , and good luck , as well as his subversive critique of the main principles of conventional doctrines about the good prince .
- 我们人类是非常迷信的生物,相信13号的星期五代表厄运,而捡到一分钱则代表将有好运。
- We humans are a superstitious lot , believing that friday the 13th is bad luck and finding a penny is good luck .