- 长期以来,交通工具短缺。
- Transport has long been scarce .
- 公共汽车是这里唯一的公共交通工具。
- Buses are the only public transport .
- 更低的运输成本是催化剂。
- Lower transport costs were a catalyst .
- 你必须把它们带到户外。
- You have to carry them outside .
- 我们应该带什么去格利泽581?
- What should we carry to gliese 581 ?
- 并非所有的蚊子都携带有疟疾病毒。
- Not all mosquitoes carry malaria .
- 有成效地利用时间。
- Use your time productively .
- 用艺术作为灵感的来源。
- Use art as your inspiration .
- 在机构中如何利用设计师?
- How do organisations use designers ?
- 另一种方法是对选举施加影响。
- The other is to wield influence on elections .
- 它到底开始看起来像一个努力行使自己职权的政府。
- At last it is beginning to resemble a government endeavouring to wield power .
- 新的欧元区机构将行使生杀大权,而不必讲究什么民主责任。
- New euro-zone institutions will wield brutal powers without democratic accountability .