- 无论何时每当我跨越两个世界的边界,最初的几天我都会觉得目眩神迷。
- Whenever I cross the border between my two worlds , for the first few days , I feel like I 'm in a daze .
- 照片所得的收益将捐献给辛西娅医生的梅道诊疗所(maetaoclinic),这是一家为那些从缅甸越境至泰国的难民、移民劳工和其他人提供免费医疗救助的慈善机构。
- Proceeds from the pictures are being donated to dr cynthia 's mae tao clinic ( maetaoclinic . Org ) , a charity that provides free healthcare for refugees , migrant workers and other people who cross the border from burma to thailand
- 操作指南:上下左右控制,上手有些难度,但是可爱的画面会让你坚持过关。
- Operations guide : upper and lower control around , handcuffed some difficulty , but the lovely picture will allow you to adhere to cross the border .