- 虽然其他家长认为收养的父母应当与拐卖者一起被起诉。
- Other parents , though , think adoptive parents should be prosecuted along with the kidnappers .
- 最终,lindesay锁定了geil收养的孩子的孩子之一的johnlaycock,他自称为家族历史学家。
- Eventually , lindesay located john laycock , one of geil 's adoptive grandsons and the self-described " family historian . "
- 有趣的是,有时真正的父母对收养的儿童有温暖的感情:有一些对于付给绑架团伙大笔钱的家庭表达了同情,他们剥夺了自己买到的孩子的感情。
- Interestingly , sometimes the real parents have warm feelings towards the adoptive ones : some express sympathy for a family that has paid good money to a kidnap gang , and is now deprived of the object of affection whom it has bought .