- 这是另一部思想史。
- This is another idea with a history .
- 我大学学的是伊斯兰史。
- My undergraduate studies were in islamic history .
- 另外我们还学习汉语和世界史。
- We also study chinese and world history .
- 现行状况又该做何解释?
- So what explains the current situation ?
- 现行的医疗体系已经破产。
- The current system is broken .
- 这也是当前发生的情况。
- It is also current affairs .
- 成你的日常的一部份。
- These should be part of your routine .
- 正打算开始更富有强度的日常锻炼吗?
- Starting a more intense workout routine ?
- 你欣赏常规流程的价值吗?
- Do you appreciate the value of routine ?