- 夜晚,走私船携带着老挝自己不能生产的商品横穿湄公河。
- At night , smugglers cross the river with products laos cannot manufacture itself .
- 那人觉得展示他技能的时候到了,就尽力大声向对面喊:“喂,船夫,过来,我们要过河。”
- The man realized it was the chance to show his skill . He shouted to the ferryman as loud as he could , " hey , ferryman , come here , we want to cross the river . "
- 这是由于红桥今年晚些时候开始,将在两个交错的交叉股的河流。
- This red bridge is due to begin later this year and will cross the river in two interlaced strands .