- 测量细菌的亮度给测定污染等级提供了一种简单的方式。
- Measuring the brightness of the bacteria thus provides a simple way to determine pollution levels .
- 天文学家知道每种类型的ia超新星的爆炸亮度相差无几。
- Astronomers know that each type ia explosion has about the same brightness .
- 如果月亮有大气,那就可能会检测到亮度的细微差别。
- If the moon had an atmosphere , a slight difference in brightness could be detected .
- 也想想一些菜名特别地出现在菜单上,因为只是被广泛需要,而不是因为大厨带着特别的才华来烹饪。
- And consider that a few items may be on the menu specifically because they are generally in demand , not because the chef cooks them with special brilliance .
- 这出引人入胜的戏剧中唯一的问题就是里朗斯的光辉可能让其他演员黯然失色。
- The only problem with this absorbing play is that mr rylance 's brilliance may deter other actors .
- 突然,整个第五大道的灯全都亮了,在感伤的空气里,联成一串朦胧的光辉。
- Suddenly the lights came on up the whole length of fifth avenue , chains of misty brilliance in the blue air .
- 几个超越巴洛克式辉煌的电车站是带有少许荣耀的结构。
- A few tram stops beyond the baroque splendour is a structure that has little to do with glory .
- 忐忑不安、野心勃勃的罗马贵族,把他们的足迹留在了罗马,所以才会有我们今天看到的璀璨和辉煌。
- Nobles , whether blowing up buildings with fireworks to make piazzas , or designing fountains to denote their bountiful wealth , created the dazzling splendour we see today .
- 夜慢慢委婉地倾泄它的华美。
- Slowly , gently night unfurls its splendour .
- 如果地球周边6000光年内有一处发生伽马射线爆炸,我们就都成干儿了。
- If a gamma ray burst occurred within 6000 light-years of us , we 'd all be fried .
- 一缕光线捕获了几滴屋檐上的雨珠,因此我有幸目睹了一组微小但足以令人颤抖的色泽----属于我自己的彩虹。
- One ray catches the drops that form on the edge of the roof , and I am treated to a row of tiny , quivering colors - my private rainbow .
- 这意味着,在焦平面被移动的情况下,仍可以确定光线的方向。
- This in turn means that it is possible to determine where the ray would strike if the focal plane were moved .