- 一个幸运儿赢了比赛.
- A lucky person won the contest .
- 竞争的真相到此还远未展开。
- The contest is not even close .
- 一场商业计划竞赛正在这里火热进行。
- A business plan contest was raging .
- 该场比赛墨西哥赢1-0。
- Mexico won the match 1-0 .
- 人们争先恐后地去看那场足球赛。
- People thronged to watch the football match .
- 因为暴雨太大了,他们把橄榄球赛取消了。
- They called off the football match because of a severe thunderstorm .
- 其一必然是巴以纠纷。
- One inevitably is the israeli-palestinian dispute .
- 人们就银行家薪酬大幅上升的原因展开了激烈的争论。
- It is a matter of fierce dispute why banker pay swelled .
- 此次调查源于公众围绕2009年预算赤字数字的争论。
- The investigation follows a public dispute over the 2009 budget deficit figure .