- 并不是所有高蛋白的食品都是做成一样的,尽管营养学家建议低脂的日常产品,如大豆,鱼和瘦肉,像没有皮的鸡肉和火鸡胸肉。
- Not all high protein foods are created equally , though -- nutritionists recommend low-fat dairy products , beans , fish and lean cuts of meat , such as skinless chicken and turkey breasts .
- 该项制度豁免生产加工绞肉和家禽的小企业的税收,只要他们能够在包装袋上标明瘦肉和脂肪的含量并且不添加其他营养成分。
- The rule exempts small businesses that grind meat and poultry , so long as they offer lean and fat information and do not make any other nutritional claims on the package .
- 对于想要变得苗条有型的人来说,有氧运动在调动肌肉上附着的脂肪方面起着关键作用。
- For someone wanting to get lean and toned , the role of cardio is critical to mobilise fat that overlays muscle .