- 公爵陪女院长和她刚找到的丈夫和孩子一同走进了修道院,听这个快乐的一家人自由自在地谈着他们苦尽甘来的大团圆。
- And the duke went with the abbess and her newly found husband and children into the convent , to hear this happy family discourse at leisure of the blessed ending of their adverse fortunes .
- 工作时间不要与同事喋喋不休,这样做只能造成两个影响,一是那个喋喋不休的人觉得你也很清闲,二是别的人觉得你俩都很清闲。
- Working hours does not want with colleague babble , such doing can cause two effects only , the person that is that babble feels you also very at leisure , 2 it is other person feels both of you very at leisure .
- 看到人们休息一次将是无上光荣的事情。
- It would be glorious to see mankind at leisure for once .