- 确保预算中包括一些你喜欢的似乎有些奢侈或轻浮之类的东西,比如看电影或吃饭,确信你可以这些预算和现金花费有所准备。
- Be sure to include things that may seem extravagant or frivolous if you enjoy them . Things like going to the movies or out for dinner , be sure to budget what you can towards them and take the money out in cash .
- 我们经常会把时间浪费在一些琐碎的事情上,在不知不觉中对事业的疏于管理使得我们落后于人。
- Often we waste our time through frivolous activities , and the poor management of our business makes us fall behind even without our noticing .
- 奥巴马的朋友们在起诉公司,而麦凯恩却支持限制琐碎的诉讼,而诉讼律师们敞开了口袋支持奥巴马。
- Some of mr obama 's friends spook business . Whereas mr mccain supports curbs on frivolous lawsuits , trial lawyers back mr obama with open wallets .
- 而当人们认为组织权力结构变化无常且充满危险时,他们更倾向于成为宿命论者。
- But when people view power structures as capricious and dangerous , they tend to be fatalist .
- 最近,由于变化无常的法规以及腐败交易,哈油气投资氛围变得很不稳定。
- Recently , the oil and gas investment climate in kazakhstan has become shaky , victim to capricious regulation and corrupt dealing .
- 有传言称,私营企业将得到更多支持,但河内的政策制定往往反复无常。
- There is talk of better support for private enterprise , but hanoi 's policy making is often capricious .
- 原因出自贪玩的年轻人在一个水公园里的一场水仗。
- A water fight among playful youth at a water park .
- 然而,令他吃惊的是,企鹅还允许他给他们拍嬉戏的照片。
- He was surprised however that the penguins allowed him to take the playful shot .
- 顽皮的大象一般年纪小些,但是更好奇、更好动。
- The playful elephants tended to be younger but were more curious and active .