- 美国轰炸利比亚和法国的目标。
- Us and france bombard libyan targets .
- 以特定频率的微波轰击普通氢原子可以反转其中电子的自旋,使其跃迁离开基态。
- Bombard an ordinary hydrogen atom with microwaves of the right frequency and you will lift it out of its ground state by flipping the spin of its electron .
- 一种危险来自无法预测而且很可能会致命的太阳耀斑,这是恒星能量的大规模爆发,它会以强烈的辐射轰击飞船,煎烤飞船乘员。
- One danger is from unpredictable and potentially deadly solar flares , giant releases of stellar energy that would bombard the craft with radiation and fry its occupants .
- 而这些专业人士同样未能识破麦道夫的骗术。
- Those professionals , too , failed to rumble mr madoff .
- 不想晚上的情况更糟,车队隆隆地穿过城市,卷起得沙尘令人窒息。
- But it was even worse at night , when truck convoys rumble through the city and create a choking haze of diesel and dust .
- “你一定是真的饿了,甚至是我也感觉到了隆隆响的声音,”他在曲子最终结束的时候说到。
- " You must be real hungry ; even I felt that rumble , " he said as the music finally stopped .
- 危险之处在于该国容易爆发暴力冲突。
- The danger is its propensity to explode .
- 当1a类超新星爆发的时候整个宇宙都能看到。
- When they explode type 1a supernovae briefly become visible across the universe .
- 当你感觉自己要怒火爆发的时候,它们会帮助你冷静下来。
- They help you cool down when you feel like your anger might explode .
- 附近一些居民认为他们听到了些什么,砰地一声或一声巨响。
- A few neighbours thought they heard something , a thud or a loud bang .
- 当癞蛤蟆听到大厅前门砰地一响,他马上从床上跳下来,大声地笑起来。
- When toad heard the front door bang , he jumped out of bed , laughing loudly .
- 这是人类要了解大爆炸就必须克服的最大障碍之一。
- It 's one of the biggest hurdles to understanding the big bang .
- 如美国导弹一样,英法的导弹弹头也能防止意外发射和引爆。
- British and french missiles , like those of the united states , are protected against accidental launch or detonation of their warheads .
- 引爆一枚核弹将产生恶劣的环境,包括冲击波、热辐射、中子、x射线和伽马射线,辐射、电磁脉冲(emp),以及高层大气电离。
- A nuclear detonation creates a severe environment including blast , thermal pulse , neutrons , x - and gamma-rays , radiation , electromagnetic pulse ( emp ) , and ionization of the upper atmosphere .
- 在周一,朝鲜核武器显著的爆炸声重新唤起了人们对这个国家努力建设核武库的关注。
- The apparent detonation of a north korean nuclear device on monday has renewed concerns over that country 's efforts to build up its atomic arsenal .