- 沿着地下室的楼梯慢慢的把抽水泵软管伸进水里。
- Get the hose into the water by feeding it down from the basement stairs .
- 它沉重的底座留在地上,而连接在上面的橡皮软管却能四处移动打扫灰尘。
- The heavier bodied base of the machine often remains still while the long hose moves around to suck up dirt .
- 如果顾客从购物目录中选购了一款运动夹克,那么向他推荐一套衬衫领带是合理的,而推荐一款花园软管则不合理。
- If a customer is buying a blazer from a catalogue , suggesting a shirt and tie makes sense ; suggesting a garden hose does not .