- 随着非洲人不断走向城市化和国际化,他们的观念会软化吗?
- As africans become more urban and cosmopolitan , will their views soften ?
- 不过即使如此,你还是迫切的希望能减轻宿醉所带来的副作用。
- But even still , you 're desperate to soften the edge of this hangover .
- 如果当前的股市反弹能够持续,那么,它将会减轻危机的影响。
- If sustained , the current rally in stock markets will soften the blow .
- 那个男子被狠狠地打了一顿。
- The man had been given a severe bating .
- 水土保持与荒漠化防治。
- Soil and ater conservation and desertification bating .
- 侮辱、体罚、殴打、非法搜查和拘禁劳动者的。
- Humiliating , giving corporal punishment , bating illegally searching or detaining labourers .
- 莎士比亚学者、传记作家乔纳森拜特和大英博物馆负责人多拉桑顿携手,推出了这次展览以及与之相关的优秀书籍。
- Jonathan bate , a shakespeare scholar and biographer , worked with dora thornton , a curator for the bm , to craft both this show and the excellent book that accompanies it .
- 妻子因发现电脑上面有丈夫和一女网友的暧昧聊天信息,红颜大怒,两口子就发生争吵。
- Because the wife discovers to have above computer the husband and the ambiguous chatting information of one female netizen , female bate , husband and wife produces brawl .
- 谁将是你下一个愤怒的目标。
- Who 's next be your bate .
- 如果高速增长和城市化进程得以持续,部分产能过剩将得到消化。
- If fast growth and urbanisation continue , some overcapacity will melt away .
- 它们使用流动的温水来融化巧克力。
- They melt chocolate with flows of warm water .
- 研究人员正在努力工作,试图估算出将有多少会消融以及何时消融。
- Researchers are hard at work trying to gauge how much will melt and when .