- 日本研究人员近日开发出一种内置红外线传感器和微型计算机的头套,通过这种装置,人们只需咬紧牙就能启动音乐播放器。
- Japanese researchers have developed head gear that uses infrared sensors and a microcomputer to let people operate music players by clenching their teeth .
- 用硬质合金滚刀刮削硬齿面
- Skiving quenched gear teeth surface with hard alloyed hobbing cutter
- 将此高精度直齿外珩轮应用于珩齿试验中,被加工齿轮的齿形误差和表面光洁度得到了极大地提高。
- The honing experiment shows that the teeth error and surface roughness of the machined gear have been improved greatly .
- 氟中毒会导致牙齿变色或表面缺陷。
- Fluorosis can cause tooth discoloration or surface irregularities .
- 那颗牙齿来自一个属planohybodus物种的鲨鱼。
- The tooth belongs to a species called planohybodus .
- 一个有效率的破产程序是红牙红爪资本主义的重要组成部分。
- An efficient bankruptcy process is an essential part of capitalism red in tooth and claw .
- 癞蛤蟆吡牙咧嘴,愤愤地低声说道。
- Toad whispered angrily , showing his teeth .
- 如果你有一口好牙,你就总会更愿意微笑。
- If you have gorgeous teeth , you tend to smile all the time .
- 科学家们可以利用栉状器来分辨蝎子的性别,雌蝎子的栉状器较大,且齿数更多。
- Scientists also use them to tell males , which have larger pectines with more teeth , from females .