- 但如果澳门能够稳住博彩业,同时又能够在娱乐业尝试一把,这个投资题材就会变得越发有趣。
- But if macau can keep gambling on the up , while playing a decent hand at the entertainment business , the investment story looks increasingly beguiling .
- 消防员自愿冒着承受高辐射的危险向核燃料棒注水,避免出现过热的情况;东京电力公司的员工也不顾超量辐射,恢复电力供应。
- Firemen and tepco workers have volunteered to brave repeated amounts of high radiation to keep water jets playing on overheating fuel rods , and to fix supplies of electricity .
- 美国玩具业协会(toyindustryassociation)的潮流研究专家艾德里安阿佩尔(adrienneappell)说,几年前,各玩具公司承诺要专注于开发能够吸引孩子们长时间玩耍的玩具。
- A few years ago , toy companies vowed to focus on developing products that would keep kids playing with toys longer , says adrienne appell , trend specialist for the toy industry association .