- “祝你们今天开心!”我出门上班时,冲着角楼喊道。
- " Have a good one , " I shout at the turret as I leave for work .
- 我们驱车前往第比利斯西北方向两小时车程以外的葡萄酒产区卡赫季,途中经过了格鲁吉亚第二位国王高伽萨利的宫殿,他死于公元502年,宫殿的角楼已经湮没在森林之中。
- Drive to the wine valleys of kakheti , two hours north-west , and one passes ruins of the palace of the second king , gorgasali , who died in ad502 , its turret now crumbling into the forest .
- 有一次,他跳上一辆坦克歼击车,将炮塔对准敌人,阻止了至少6辆坦克和250个步兵的敌方攻击。
- Once he jumped onto a tank destroyer and turned its turret towards the enemy and was able to desist an enemy attack of atleast 6 tanks and 250 infantry .